Slogans on Children’s Day

Children’s Day in India is celebrated on 14th November on the birth anniversary of the first Prime Minister of India- Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru; or ‘Chacha Nehru’ as he was fondly referred to by the children across India. Shared below are the newest slogans on Children’s Day. These Children’s Day slogans in English make a worthy share on social media. Browse through the latest collection of Children’s Day slogans.

Slogans On Children’s Day

Slogans On Children’s Day

Mold the children right today, and they will do the same with society tomorrow.

Good parenting is not a child’s play; however, it requires love, care, and a lot of attention all day.

Take care of children today and they will support you tomorrow.

Children are the future, make sure future is bright.

Working on children today promise a better tomorrow.

Children are the future of a nation; they are the ones who will keep it in motion!

While you pamper you child with sweets; do think about the children who dwell on streets!!

You care and support a child today; he will grow up to care and support the nation tomorrow!

Children are the bricks on which the nation’s foundation is based!

A healthy and happy child represents a healthy and happy nation.

A child loved today will spread the love tomorrow!

Nurture your children well to create a stronger nation.

Children’s Day Slogan Pic

Children’s Day Slogan Pic

Save the criticism for youth and elders; children need encouragement.

Every one of us should make sure that no child goes to bed hungry.

Never ever should a child go to bed hungry.

Gift children your time and some smiles.

Educate children for a better future.

Children are a nation’s most valuable assets!

No child should go to bed hungry and crying; these are the symptoms of a nation dying!!

Never think about your deed, enjoy the life like a kid.

Nurturing a child is like molding clay; all they need is love, care and lots of play!

Pledge to be nice to every child we meet; one day a history be made with this simple deed!!

Well loved and educated child turns into gold; as he/she grows old.

Play and not work is what they deserve.

Children’s Day Slogan

Children’s Day Slogan

Celebrate the image of God by celebrating the presence of children around you every day.

Children might forget what you said to them but always remember how you said it; hence treat them nicely.

Children need to handled with lot of care.

Children are the most vital asset of a country.

The future lies in the hands of our children.

God created the world for the children and Children create the future of the world.

Children are the gift of God; Let them fly with their thoughts.

Children are to play, not to use; let’s stand against child abuse.

The path that we show our children today; they will take the nation on the same path tomorrow!

This children’s day take a pledge that you will not turn your back when you see a child in distress!

If a child doesn’t has to beg or borrow; then only he can be a happy adult tomorrow!!

They study today and they create tomorrow.

Children’s Day Slogans

Children’s Day Slogans

Children are the building bricks of the future of a nation.

Strive to replace rags on the shoulder of children with bags full of books for school.

They study today and they create tomorrow.

Play and not work is what they deserve.

Nurture your children well to create a stronger nation.

If you nurture well your child, he will become the nation’s pride.

Children are the power of divine, Child labour is a crime.

Money can buy anything but can’t buy the childhood. Happy Children’s Day.

Tomorrow when we will not be there, our children of today will build the nation!!

Keep your eyes and mind open and be brave to report the incidents of child abuse and child labour.

If only a child is loved today; that he will grow up to love the nation tomorrow!!

Educate children for a better future.

Slogan On Children’s Day

Slogan On Children’s Day

Nurturing children is like the molding of clay, for they need love, care, and lots of play!

A lot is done; still much is left; do not rest until every child gets the best!

It always feels the ultimate pleasure to kiss the cheeks of a sleeping child.

Childhood is all about being careless and enjoying every moment of life.

Children learn more from the behaviour of their parents.

Every child is like a flower and no two flowers can be compared.

Children don’t say “I love you”, they just make you feel it.

A nation’s strength of tomorrow depends on its children’s state of today!

Children will forget what you said but remember how you said it! Be nice to them!!

If a single child has to sleep on road; we still haven’t made it – say it loud and bold!!

We have done much but much still is left; we will not rest until last child gets the best!!

Many go to school but many still pick up rags; if we could just change those rags with school bags!!

A deprived and sad childhood resembles a crippled and degrading nation!!